Welcome to King Tet's Portal
Music Related Computer Services
provided by
King Tet® Productions, Ltd.
Since 1997

King Tet's Audio Restoration Services

QLink EMF Protection Productions EMFProtection.biz

Custom DVDs from any kind of film or video tape

Magical Butter discount offer

"What do you turn on when you Tenori-On?" Tenori-On performances by King Tet

King Tet and Neon-Riot play Original Tenori-On Music

King Tet Ringtones

King Tet on iTunes

King Tet's Headquarters for Tenori-On sample kits, videos etc.

The King Tet Web Store - shirts, mugs, buttons and more!

Low Cost Web Hosting and Domain Registration for musicians


Find your out of print LPs here!

King Tet Productions

King Tet's Blog - all things Tet

Revitalize Your Water

Order Gift Certificates for King Tet's Products and Services

King Tet CDs at CDBaby.com

King Tet's Catalog of Original music and recordings and authorized reissued CDs

 The "N" Word episode of "All of Us" showcasing King Tet's "Tracking the Lion" from "The Man in the Can" CD

Macabre Pair of Shorts - Soundtrack music by King Tet

The Man in the Can by King Tet

King Tet on MySpace

ChoomBoonk by Jack Van der Wyk Percussion method stressing four limb independence

Jessica Dragonette sings on the Palmolive Beauty Box Theater

Thumbs Carllile CDs

Thumbs Carllile DVD Music Maker

Ocean Meditation - Midnight at Sunset Cliffs

Give Thanks there is Peace in the Music

San Luis Rey River Meditation

Tom Hobson and Ragged but Right

Remembering Tom Hobson

Tom Hobson Anyplace I Hang My Hat Is Home

Tom Hobson Sad Sad Daddy

Tom Hobson CDs

Stoneground CDs

Steelwind Child of Nature CD

King Tet's Music Pages and links

Rhythm in the Waves

Visit the World Garden

Sounds of our Planet

Frank Wakefield Blues Stay Away From Me

Jessica Dragonette

Eric Van der Wyk on IMDB

GEMM is your best source for impossible-to-find !


King Tet's Streaming MP3 Samples

King Tet Productions
King Tet® is a registered trade mark ©2000-2013 all rights reserved

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